The Dragon's Back Campaign has begun.
Let me explain.
Some fun, we proclaim, as flagons back and drained, was run passed and called fast through a portal and been brought out for teh chortle.
But, as much as Teh Troll is strong, saying "only", "merely", or "simply" is wrong.
For, you see, this better world we all seek isn't brought magically.
It's built by us and thee.
The joys of families growing health worth more than coins or jewels and wealth.
Here's access to our shelf.
And please enjoy yourself.
[Click to cheer]
[Click to jeer]
[Click to him appear]
The Dragon's Back Campaign is conducted in collaboration with:
As well as millions of the humans.
Including viewers like you.
"May Her Imperial Majesty's light guide you through the coming days."
-Happenstance The Unreliable-
ilmfat's illusion imporium
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