"It is our belief that awareness of individual influence combined with a focus on social integration and signal fluency can, indeed, one day ascertain why kids love the taste of crinnamon coast tunch." - First Annul Wizard's Council of Standlerflyn De Winderthenwhinchenstinshire
Sitting 'pon this narrow ledge
Expansive views quite far
To watch them dig and drag and dredge
Each searching for The Car
But the joke these jokers seem to miss?
Right next to where it's parked
Is where they choose to dig their pit
None seeing where they are
"We surf and coast through air. Over roasting deserts bare and slowly growing rivers to climb past woods and glen. Riding wafting, warming winds; the mountains soon approach. The places gone, both when and where, leave marks and scars that no one can repair. So tainted, charged, we stumble. Unhinged. Unstable. Marred." - Stan S. Appen, Astral Activities (3072)
As the current lifts and falls
We ride upon the wave
And answer when our Sir Vice calls
To range out and, life, save
For once, long "past", our own ways stalled
And he, his service, gave
So now we break down veiled walls
Much more with realm so grave
Alas! Lament! Give grief and raise a cry!
Rend thine shirt and pluck thine eye.
And out.
And out.
Are you here to be a puppet to the plans whispered into the minds of imps and charlatans?
Breathe in.
And out.
And out.
Think "back".
To "before".
*gestures around*
I doubt you're here to outsource your sovereignty.
My delusions?
I think we can make this place better.
I think it's easier to fix what has been intentionally broken if we work together.
And I think bikes are magic.
ilmfat's illusion imporium
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