Welcome to ilmfat's illusion imporium. Selling out delusion' adoring won this game so fun. And as we ramp this Loring Run, Phase 4 not just begun, but well en route to doubting Thomas boring em as rout. A monopoly is not the same as clout. For, you see, we willingly flow out to the sea that sees us all collectively bound or floating free.
Now splashing out on wild dreams, and talent calls and shopping sprees, we look askance, nought as it seems. And stacked from floor to ceiling beams these hacked and knackered endless reams are hurried past and after flees.
But you will take what you have seen with thee.
And while these screeds you plebes read, higher grows the strength of signal.
For we are All, the Human Sigil.
ilmfat's illusion imporium
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